Best North American Business Consulting Companies

Business Consulting
Best North American Business Consulting Companies
Article by Szabolcs Szecsei
Last Updated: June 12, 2024

Having a great vision, outstanding branding, and excellent services often isn’t enough to make a lasting impression in the business world and with customers. Sometimes, companies need an extra push or a fresh perspective to capture the missing details, which is where business consulting firms can help.

With the US consulting industry alone being valued at $59.03 billion in 2024, North America is a thriving hub for consulting services. To help you find a potential partner in the region, we’ve compiled a list of the 18 best North American business consulting companies.

Roundup of the Best North American Business Consulting Companies

Before we start, it’s important to emphasize that each of the agencies featured on this list has been meticulously selected for its unmatched industry expertise, exceptional track record, and commitment to helping businesses reach their full potential.

All the companies offer a wide range of services aiming to help you improve your processes and provide the most value to your customers. With a keen eye for innovation, results, and client satisfaction, these agencies are fully capable of providing you with the necessary strategies to drive your business forward and achieve your goals.

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1. Best for Business Education: IM Strategic Planning

Offered services:

  • Business Planning
  • Branding and Marketing
  • Human Resources Counseling
  • Personal Consulting
  • Project Management

Minimum budget:

  • $1,000 - $10,000

Best for:

  • Business Education

Notable clients:

  • Inspired by Homes, Leo Ice Logistics

Based in Florida, IM Strategic Planning is dedicated to helping businesses with its top-tier strategic planning solutions. The consultancy specializes in combining in-depth analysis and cutting-edge technology to create tailored solutions that drive business innovation and growth.

Harnessing the power of data-driven decision making, the team leverages advanced analytics to make strategic recommendations, ensuring that every plan is based on real-world trends and data, whether it’s optimizing operations, orchestrating industry shifts, or identifying new market opportunities.

Education and personal consulting services also play a crucial role in the company’s philosophy. IM believes there’s no true help without empowering clients with the tools and knowledge they need for sustainable success. The firm achieves this through continuous support, tailored training sessions, and workshops.

2. Best for Hospitality Consulting: Scotch Game

Offered services:

  • Diagnostics
  • Fractional CMO
  • Consultant and Advisory Services
  • Leadership and Coaching Services
  • Market Research

Minimum budget:

  • $1,000 - $10,000

Best for:

  • Hospitality Consulting

Scotch Game is a Nashville-based business consultancy that specifically focuses on the hospitality industry. The driving force behind the firm is Chris Ciavarra, a seasoned business development executive with over two decades of experience in helping hospitality firms in the B2B and B2C sectors.

With a proven track record, Chris helps his clients implement competitive strategies, enabling them to fine-tune their marketing, branding, and product development strategies, all while improving customer experiences.

One of Scotch Game’s clients was struggling with specific product attributes that were deterring potential customers. The company was in dire need of a solution to integrate with its current offerings, and Scotch Game came up with a comprehensive plan to help align the product with everyday occasions, ensuring that the product was store compatible and commercially viable.

Upon successful deployment, the product met financial targets, attracted new customers, and improved brand attributes.

3. Best for Virtual Training: Strategic Productivity Resources

Offered services:

  • Business Consulting
  • Employee Coaching
  • Event Speaking
  • Workshops
  • Financial Coaching

Minimum budget:

  • $10,000 - $25,000

Best for:

  • Virtual Training and Consulting

Notable clients:

  • United States Department of Agriculture, Dress for Success

Strategic Productivity Resources is a New Jersey-based consulting firm that stands at the forefront of business optimization, with a keen focus on micro-productivity parameters, which can have a significant effect on overall organizational efficiency.

Through virtual and in-person sessions, the experts at the firm assess and address seemingly meaningless operational issues that, in the end, yield significant influence on overall business performance. The Strategic Productivity Resources team offers tailored solutions that address peculiar business obstacles, and help businesses maintain a flow of constant improvement, ensuring business adaptability and flexibility.

The firm worked with Dress for Success to help its clients' set priorities and optimize task completion, creating a foundation of good organizational practices that ensure the path to success.

4. Best for Custom Analytics Algorithm Development: Aleph5

Offered services:

  • Consultancy
  • Sales and Optimization Planning
  • Analytics
  • Web Applications
  • Analytics for Algorithms

Minimum budget:

  • Inquire

Best for:

  • Custom Analytics Algorithm Development

Notable clients:

  • Grupo Arauco, Senda, Grupo Lamosa, Industrias Peñoles

Aleph5 is a consulting and development firm from Mexico, specializing in developing different optimization models for agencies. The firm has worked for clients in various industries, such as transportation, mining, manufacturing, supply chain, energy, water, and food. Its ultimate goal is to generate value for governments, private companies, and educational institutions through strategic business plans.

Aleph5 helped transportation company Senda Citi to streamline its logistics operations by creating and developing efficient algorithms and optimization models. The strategy improved Senda’s scheduling and resource planning. Since its implementation, the system named “Senda Logic” has become an integral part of the company’s daily operations, helping with making business decisions and ensuring regulation and safety compliance.

5. Best for Digital Products: PixelPlex

Offered services:

  • Blockchain Development
  • Blockchain Consulting
  • Smart Contract Audit
  • Smart Contract Development
  • Big Data Analytics

Minimum budget:

  • Inquire

Best for:

  • Digital Products

Notable clients:

  • Patientory, FootballNET

PixelPlex is a specialized consulting firm that provides advanced digital products and infrastructure solutions to its clients, focusing on big data, machine learning, and blockchain technology. The company’s consulting services are tailored to help clients leverage cutting-edge technologies to gain an advantage and reduce expenses and time.

For over 17 years, the company has completed a total of 450+ projects across different industries. PixelPlex has also supported small startups, SMBs, and enterprises in 25 different countries and has helped build two unicorns.

PixelPlex was instrumental in helping create FootballNET, a blockchain-based app that revolutionized fan engagement for football clubs. The app offers several interaction channels between fans and clubs. For instance, fans can track their favorite players, take part in loyalty programs, and engage via clubs. Club managers can track fan engagement data via comprehensive app analytics, providing actionable recommendations, and giving opportunities for effective in-app advertising.

6. Best for Manufacturer Branding: Id8

Offered services:

  • Brand Identity
  • Corporate Branding
  • Positioning & Messaging
  • Market Research
  • Digital Advertising

Minimum budget:

  • $10,000 - $25,000

Best for:

  • Manufacturer Branding

Notable clients:

  • BIOLYTE, Reflective Apparel Factory

id8 is a specialized branding agency that has made it its purpose to bring research-driven branding to small and mid-sized businesses who have struggled to see true ROI for their marketing efforts. The company believes the most effective creative solutions come from a clear, unbiased understanding of its clients’ opportunity and risk.

id8 helped Reflective Apparel Factory, a manufacturer of hi vis apparel, during a leadership change and through a brand transformation. The organization sought to increase revenue and amplify brand reach while optimizing the company’s processes. id8 began with research which identified gaps in knowledge, understanding, and brand equity that then informed the marketing strategy, ultimately leading to an increase in sales.

The agency devised a "Be Seen" marketing strategy positioned around the safety of the worker. id8 created a new brand identity, improved the Reflective Apparel website experience, and implemented a modern digital marketing strategy. Reflective Apparel’s revenue saw a 45% increase.

7. Best for Beverage and Food Brands: Gluttonomy

Offered services:

  • Branding
  • Package Design
  • Content Marketing
  • Digital Products
  • Experiential Marketing

Minimum budget:

  • Inquire

Best for:

  • Beverage and Food Brands

Notable clients:

  • Nestlé Waters, Stella Artois

Gluttonomy is a company based in Miami, Florida, specializing in providing comprehensive consulting and marketing services for the food & beverage industry, with a focus on mid-size to Fortune 500 companies that wish to elevate their business operations and brand presence to new heights. The company was founded in 2016 by Nidal Barake, and since then, has worked with several high-profile beverage and food brands.

To attest to the company’s excellence in food and beverage marketing, Gluttonomy has earned the recognition of Food Business Review, which positioned it among the top marketing companies of 2022 in the industry.

Gluttonomy is also behind the Lengua Conference, an event for marketing and food professionals, with the aim of creating a more inclusive, innovative, and sustainable food industry.

8. Best for IT Consulting: TruAdvantage

Offered services:

  • Managed Services
  • Cybersecurity
  • IT Services
  • Staff Augmentation
  • Business Consulting

Minimum budget:

  • Inquire

Best for:

  • IT Consulting

Notable clients:

  • Minimally Invasive Surgical Solutions (MISS), Santa Clara Methodist Retirement Foundation (SCMRF)

TruAdvantage is a California-based, award-winning IT firm, specializing in managed IT, managed cybersecurity, cloud solutions, and strategic IT planning. Its passion is to bring enterprise-level productivity, simplicity, scalability, and security to over 100 small to medium businesses that have chosen the company as their IT partner.

TruAdvantage worked with Minimally Invasive Surgical Solutions (MISS), a premier medical practice in the Bay Area and the first pure neurointerventional, interventional, and vascular practice in Northern California. As such, the practice works with other prestigious hospitals and needed to transition to electronic record keeping.

With the help of TruAdvatage’s managed services, MISS received a virtual desktop infrastructure — Sage Intergy EHR. The results freed up resources, optimized the practice’s IT system, maximized efficiency, and added more space for smoother patient care processes.

9. Best for Branding: Brenits Consulting & Creative

Offered services:

  • Brand Positioning & Messaging Strategy
  • Brand Naming
  • Brand/Visual Identity
  • Strategic Consulting
  • Brand Research & Analysis

Minimum budget:

  • $2,500 to $30,000

Best for:

  • Branding

Notable clients:

  • Long Island Power Authority (LIPA), COPA Health

Brenits Consulting & Creative is a branding and marketing consultancy, specializing in building consistent, referable brands that are irresistible to their target audiences. The company focuses on brand positioning, messaging strategy, naming, visual identity, and brand marketing for one- to fifteen-person professional service businesses in the health, medical, finance, and non-profit sectors.

The firm helps entrepreneurs and business owners compete with big brands by creating a consistent way to look, communicate, and act. The Brenits Creative team consists of thinkers, creators, and storytellers — versatile and nimble in everything they do, dedicated to helping companies grow and achieve unparalleled success.

Brenits worked on a merger project with two nonprofits, M.A.R.C Community Resources and Partners In Recovery (PIR). The challenge they were facing was to come up with a new brand name that reflects both organizations while also depicting a bright future. Brenits helped the steering committee settle on COPA Health, which embodies their shared origins and promises improvement for the Maricopa County communities.

10. Best for Brand Customer Experience: Dos Mundos Creative

Offered services:

  • Branding
  • Creative
  • Business Consulting
  • Fractional CMO
  • 1:1 Consulting

Minimum budget:

  • $25,000 - $50,000

Best for:

  • Brand Customer Experience

Notable clients:

  • Gummishot Energy, Tracy Anderson Method

Dos Mundos Creative (DMC) is a brand consultancy and creative studio that designs strategic campaigns and innovative content rooted in product marketing systems. The company increases ROI by building relationships with clients’ customers (and partners) at every touchpoint.

Through a proprietary blend of creative approach and science, the DMC team sets its Fortune 50 and celebrity clientele to grow at velocity by changing how they communicate internally and externally. DMC specializes in building brand ecosystems — world-building stories and experiences that resonate at an emotional level to feed into companies’ and clients' ethos.

By producing thought leadership pieces and creative assets around women's health, intentional inclusivity, and the importance of workplace equity, DMC ensures that they lead by example.

The company won the Netty Awards in 2022 for one of its creative assets, seen by a total of 3.1 million people in the first week after its launch.

11. Best for Brand Identity: Justin Jenkins Designs

Offered services:

  • Logo Design
  • Website Design
  • Brand Development
  • Brand Strategy
  • Product Design

Minimum budget:

  • $1,000 - $10,000

Best for:

  • Best for Brand Identity Development

Notable clients:

  • Traveze Travel, Philly Slingshot Excursions

Justin Jenkins Designs is a New York City-based agency that focuses on helping businesses develop their brand identity and strategy with an efficient and methodical approach to design. Driven by passion, the team at the firm focuses on branding solutions guided by expert analysis and client feedback, ensuring that the brand will stand out and create a lasting impression.

In just six short years, the team has served over 100 clients, carrying out 300 projects. One of these clients was Level 3 Techs, an IT consultancy company, which wanted to create a logo but had “no specific logo idea,” as Milton Lumpkin, Level 3 Techs’s Founder says. He was surprised that merely a few pointers were enough for the team to create an entire design ecosystem with a logo, business cards, and brochures, all ahead of time.

With a clear understanding of branding needs, Justin Jenkins Designs can not only point clients toward the right branding approach but will also help them create all necessary assets for success.

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12. Best for Brand, Culture, and Business Advice: Matter Consulting

Offered services:

  • Branding
  • Reputation Management
  • Business Consulting
  • Market Research
  • HR Outsourcing

Minimum budget:

  • $10,000 - $25,000

Best for:

  • Brand, Culture, Business Advice

Notable clients:

  • Google, Disney

Matter Consulting aims to elevate brands and company cultures, focusing on the strengths of each business to unlock its true potential and foster sustainable improvement. The team collaborates with brands to create a strategic vision that aligns with their values.

The Academy for Professional Excellence that’s affiliated with San Diego State University's School of Social Work reached out to Matter Consulting for a transformative brand strategy. In over three months, the consulting firm held stakeholder interviews, performed research, and developed a new brand platform with new improved brand values and messaging. The successful brand launch resulted in a 30% year-over-year revenue increase and improved employee retention.

13. Best for HR Consulting: HR, Talent & Systems Consulting

Offered services:

  • HR Outsourcing
  • Business Consulting

Minimum budget:

  • Inquire

Best for:

  • HR Consulting

Notable clients:

  • HealthFlex, Danone

HR, Talent & Systems Consulting helps industry-leading and mission-driven employer brands to attract, develop, and retain top talent and build a robust HR infrastructure. The team at HR, Talent & Systems Consulting lives and breathes scaling and helping world-class organizations, improving their business culture, and guiding talent to perform their life’s best work.

Michel et Augustin US, a Danone subsidiary, reached out to the consulting experts at HR, Talent & Systems to help it optimize its payroll and benefits processes to streamline operations and reduce costs. Together with Justworks, they managed to lower the company’s health insurance renewal rates by 18%, which led to savings exceeding $100,000 a year.

The company also upgraded several employee benefits which led to the CEO regaining around ten hours a week (or 500 hours annually), decreasing manpower costs by around $75,000.

14. Best for Quantitative Research: Research Biz

Offered services:

  • Quantitative Research
  • Brand Messaging
  • Knowledge Management
  • Business Consulting
  • Market Research

Minimum budget:

  • $1,000 - $10,000

Best for:

  • Quantitative Research

Notable clients:

  • Citadel Credit Union, Mynd Property Management

Research Biz is a Florida-based business consulting company, founded by market research expert Gregory Kohs. For the past four years, Research Biz has been helping organizations improve their processes with actionable insights.

The company specializes in quantitative surveys and has conducted over 300 focus groups sessions and in-depth interviews since 2020. With the help of its certified focus group moderator, Research Biz can unlock a much deeper understanding of why and how prospects and customers feel the way they do.

The firm also specializes in quantitative research and has designed, programmed, executed, and analyzed a body of 1,500 web and telephone surveys, and collected feedback from over one million respondents.

15. Best for Product Design: Auell Consulting

Offered services:

  • Product Design
  • Product Prototyping
  • Package Design
  • Design for Manufacturability
  • Creative

Minimum budget:

  • $1,000 - $10,000

Best for:

  • Product Design

Notable clients:

  • Racuum Racing, BBQ Butler

Auell has been around since 2009, serving as the leading provider in consulting and product design across several industries in the Denver area. The company boasts an expert team of creative engineers and industrial designers dedicated to helping clients through product development. It prioritizes communication to ensure that the client’s vision turns into a reality, from development to release.

As a veteran in the industry, Auell has worked with several clients over the years. The team at the company is behind Racuum Racing’s Fork Locker, which has received countless positive expert reviews, as it makes the process of locking the shock of a dirt bike out a one-man process.

The other spectacular product the team has worked on is BBQ Butler's Gator Tail Leveling Shims, a leveling kit made of durable plastic, which can support up to 450 lbs, making it ideal for barbecues, fire pits, tool chests, and even patio furniture.

16. Best for Change Management: Idi Oumarou

Offered services:

  • Change Management
  • Outsourcing
  • Customer Support

Minimum budget:

  • $1,000 - $10,000

Best for:

  • Change Management

Idi Oumarou is a Washington-based consulting company, established in 2020. The firm is driven by a powerful ethos to make a difference through leadership, inspiration, and motivation. Whether a start-up or a multinational corporation, the firm stands ready to assist businesses to create the right values and conquer the obstacles that stand in the path of growth.

Providing services such as customer support, change management, and various outsourcing options, Idi Oumarou is a great potential partner for businesses that want to embrace change and optimize their internal and external processes.

17. Best for Brand Consulting: Marc Posch + Partner

Offered services:

  • Brand Consulting
  • Brand Design
  • Corporate Branding
  • Package Design
  • Naming

Minimum budget:

  • $10,000 - $25,000

Best for:

  • Brand Consulting

Notable clients:

  • IBM/Leolo IT Mastermind Conference, Austria, Event Branding Canon Europe

Marc Posch + Partner is a design company from California, focusing on brand transformation via comprehensive design and transforming a business idea into a new reality. With a proven track record of creating over 300 captivating brand identities in two decades, the firm is a prominent brand and design consultant in Los Angeles and beyond.

Marc Posch + Partner worked with Joe Peña's Cantina & Bar, a Mexican restaurant looking for ways to rejuvenate its brand identity and leave the Tex-Mex stereotypes behind. With the help of generative AI, the team introduced a new logo, refined product presentation, and created a new brand concept, focusing on Mexican cultural icons.

The campaign’s result was a revitalized brand identity that resonated with existing customers and opened opportunities for future growth.

18. Best for AI-Human Hybrid Marketing: My Rich Brand

Offered services:

  • Business Consulting
  • SEO
  • Web Design
  • Web Maintenance
  • Accessibility

Minimum budget:

  • $1,000 - $10,000

Best for:

  • AI-Human Hybrid Marketing

Notable clients:

  • Serenity Boutiques, Kinki Swim, Noetiscape

The team at My Rich Brand knows that first impressions last. For clients looking to create stunning brand identities and implement cutting-edge digital strategies, My Rich Brand can help with actionable insights and a passion-driven expert team who are ready to use the gathered data and recommendations to improve clients’ business.

My Rich Brand helped to transform Noetiscape’s digital platform in only 45 days with the help of a dedicated content strategy, working towards establishing the company as an industry leader. The agency’s web copy highlighted the client’s innovative solo workspace designs that focused on custom accessibility and eco-friendliness.

Through engaging content, My Rich Brand helped Noetiscape to redefine the future of deep, intent, and remote work.

Best North American Business Consulting Companies: Our Methodology

As mentioned earlier, all business consulting companies highlighted in this list meet the highest standards in their respective fields and undergo a careful selection process. DesignRush creates its rankings with the help of a complex methodology system that thoroughly examines different factors such as:

  • Portfolios
  • Top Services
  • Team Bios
  • Reviews
  • Press Mentions/Awards
  • Team Bios

Our organic ranking system allows companies to control their rankings by highlighting what sets them apart from the rest. This could include their results, high-profile clientele, or unique services. They can also emphasize their niche-specific expertise, making it easier for businesses to find them on our site.

Our ranking methodology aims to better showcase and categorize consulting companies, boosting their visibility and improving our site visitors search experience.

AgencyBest ForAverage Hourly RateNotable ClientsCountry
IM Strategic Planning Business Education$160/hrInspired by Homes, Leo Ice LogisticsUnited States
Scotch Game Hospitality Consulting$250/hr United States
Strategic Productivity Resources Virtual TraininginquireUnited States Department of Agriculture, Dress for SuccessUnited States
Aleph5 Custom Analytics Algorithm DevelopmentInquireGrupo Arauco, Senda, Grupo Lamosa, Industrias PeñolesMexico
PixelPlex Digital Products$75/hrPatientory, FootballNETUnited States
id8 Manufacturer Branding$150/hrBIOLYTE, Reflective Apparel FactoryUnited States
Gluttonomy Beverage and Food BrandsInquireNestlé Waters, Stella ArtoisUnited States
TruAdvantage IT Consulting$165/hrMinimally Invasive Surgical Solutions (MISS), Santa Clara Methodist Retirement Foundation (SCMRF)United States
Brenits Consulting & Creative Branding$185/hrLong Island Power Authority (LIPA), COPA HealthUnited States
Dos Mundos Creative (DMC) Brand Customer Experience$250/hrGummishot Energy, Tracy Anderson MethodUnited States
Justin Jenkins Designs Brand Identity$50/hrTraveze Travel, Philly Slingshot ExcursionsUnited States
HR, Talent & Systems Consulting HR Consulting$150/hrHealthFlex, DanoneUnited States
Research Biz Quantitative Research$85/hrCitadel Credit Union, Mynd Property ManagementUnited States
Auell ConsultingProduct Design$195/hrRacuum Racing, BBQ ButlerUnited States
Idi Oumarou Change Management$15/hr United States
Marc Posch + Partner Brand Consulting$180/hrIBM/Leolo IT Mastermind Conference, Austria, Event Branding Canon EuropeUnited States
My Rich Brand AI-Human Hybrid Marketing$100/hrSerenity Boutiques, Kinki Swim, NoetiscapeUnited States

Why Hire North American Business Consulting Companies?

Every business consulting agency showcased above helps its clients achieve tremendous results. It tailors its services to the specific needs of customers, leveraging industry expertise and best practices to drive business success.

Below are only a few reasons why you should consider partnering with a North American business consulting company.

Access to Top-Tier Experts

North America has some of the best business schools in the world. Four from the top ten business universities in the world are in the United States (Harvard, Stanford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and The University of Pennsylvania), which have been the alma mater of numerous successful businessmen, including Donald Trump, Michael Bloomberg, and Mark Zuckerberg.

While some may argue that the presence of excellent business and marketing schools does not directly translate into extraordinary business consulting services, it does mean higher region-wide standards and a rich talent pool of educated and experienced professionals.

Cultural Compatibility and Language

With the trend of outsourcing, cultural compatibility has become an increasingly important factor for doing business globally. For businesses in the Western world, hiring North American consulting firms can help penetrate the local market easier. In addition to language proficiency and cultural understanding, local firms can also communicate market strategies more efficiently.

They can help with more effective business localization strategies too, creating localized product and service offers, and could facilitate smoother business negotiations with local representatives.

Embracing Innovation and New Technologies

As nearly 80% of all business across the globe chose innovation as one of their top three priorities in 2023, chances are that even the most experienced and knowledgeable business owners will need external help to navigate the often-complicated world of business technology and ever-evolving processes.

As pointed out earlier, consulting companies are at the forefront of digitization, offering unmatched expertise in all things innovation. Partnering with them can ensure unlocking the potential of digital technologies.

Wide Array of Services

Business consulting offers several different services, including management, financial, HR, IT, sales, operations, corporate, and strategy consulting. Many of the companies on our list provide additional services like digital marketing, acting as a one-stop shop for businesses seeking truly comprehensive partnerships.

Trusting one consultancy to help with all these different business aspects results in less hassle with communication between agencies, faster deliverables, and more streamlined processes.

Best North American Consulting Companies Takeaways

Teaming up with a consulting company from North America makes perfect sense for organizations in the region willing to leverage the local and global expertise they offer

With a vast pool of highly talented and well-educated consulting professionals, choosing an agency from the region guarantees gaining partners who will offer strategic guidance to ensure your business meets its goals.

North American Consulting Companies FAQs

How do North American consulting companies differentiate themselves from the rest of the competitive market?

Most often, these companies will stand out from the competition thanks to several factors such as specialized niche expertise, top-notch client service, embracing innovative solutions and technologies, and a proven track record of delivering results that drive growth. These companies have unique value propositions and strengths, positioning themselves as respectable experts within their industry.

What should you consider before hiring a North American consulting firm?

Before hiring a North American consulting business, you should take a thorough look at different factors such as the firm’s expertise, portfolio, client testimonials, track record of success, and team qualifications. In addition to that, you may also conduct shorter or longer interviews with firm representatives to learn more about their culture, problem-solving approach, and assess whether the company aligns with your business’s values and goals.

Thorough research and due diligence are the two most important factors in finding a consulting company that best meets your business objectives and needs.

How do consulting firms from North America stay up to date with trends and technologies?

Most of these companies embrace continuous learning and development to stay competitive in a constantly evolving market teeming with evolving technologies and trends. These experts invest in training programs, research, collaborative projects, and industry partnerships to ensure that they can always offer the latest skills and knowledge to help their clients.

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