Digital Marketing for Financial Services: Trends, Tips & More

Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing for Financial Services: Trends, Tips & More
Last Updated: June 20, 2024

Digital marketing has become a game-changer for financial institutions. Gone are the days of relying only on traditional marketing channels like print ads and direct mail. Today, financial companies use digital strategies to reach their customers more effectively and personally — and it is working!

Consider this: today, 90% of loan and mortgage consumers, 85% of check-cashing consumers, and 76% of tax return preparation consumers start their journey with an online search.

For many financial services consumers, an online search is the first step to understanding the type of help they’ll need, assessing their options, and finding the right company that will meet their needs. This is where a strong digital presence and effective digital marketing strategy can make all the difference for financial service providers.

Let’s dive into the importance of digital marketing for financial services, the current trends in the sector, and our top tips for achieving success with your strategy!

The Importance of Digital Marketing for Financial Services

According to Google, mobile searches related to “financial planning and management” and “best credit card(s)” have increased by 70% over the last two years. That means consumers are increasingly choosing the online route to find financial advice and make decisions on financial products, emphasizing the need for financial services to level up their digital marketing game and reap its benefits.

Here are some of the key reasons why digital marketing for financial services is essential:

  • Increased reach: Digital marketing allows you to expand your reach beyond traditional geographical limitations, tapping into a global audience of potential customers.
  • Cost efficiency: Compared to traditional marketing channels like print ads or television commercials, digital marketing often offers a higher return on investment (ROI) at a lower cost, making it a cost-effective option.
  • Targeted advertising: Through digital marketing, you can precisely target your ideal customers based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring that marketing efforts are directed towards those most likely to convert.
  • Enhanced brand awareness and credibility: By maintaining a consistent presence across digital channels, you can strengthen brand awareness and credibility, establishing your company as trusted industry leader.
  • 24/7 availability: Websites and social media profiles provide round-the-clock availability, allowing customers to access information and services whenever they need it, enhancing convenience and satisfaction.
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Current Trends in Financial Services Digital Marketing

The landscape for financial digital marketing is constantly evolving, bringing new ways and platforms for targeting audience, showcasing products and services, and effectively increasing your ROI.

Let’s delve into some of the trends and examples that can help you adapt your digital marketing strategy to the current market:

  1. Content marketing
  2. Social media engagement
  3. Mobile optimization and app development
  4. Search engine optimization
  5. Video marketing

1. Content Marketing

Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant content to attract and engage a target audience. In the financial services industry, content marketing is used to educate consumers, build trust, and establish thought leadership.

The benefits that content marketing brings are immense considering that through delivering helpful and personalized content you can indirectly connect to your audience and position yourself as a transparent company that cares about informing the audience rather than only trying to convert them into customers.

For instance, JPMorgan Chase has embraced content marketing through its online resource center. They provide a wealth of articles, blog posts, and whitepapers covering topics such as financial planning, investment strategies, and market trends. By offering valuable insights and expertise, JPMorgan Chase positions itself as a trusted advisor, attracting and retaining customers through informative content.

2. Social Media Engagement

Social media engagement is about actively interacting and building relationships with customers and prospects on social media platforms like LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram, and others. It's not just about broadcasting messages but engaging in meaningful conversations, responding to inquiries, providing timely support, and fostering a sense of community.

People trust social media for information, and the world of finance is no exception to this. In fact, 70% of financial advisors find new clients through social media. This means that if you combine your content strategy with social media efforts, you'll likely reach more people who trust what you share.

For example, American Express excels in social media engagement by actively interacting with followers across various platforms. On X, they provide prompt customer support, share valuable financial tips, and participate in conversations to build rapport with their audience. This approach humanizes their brand and strengthens customer relationships.

3. Mobile Optimization and App Development

With the increasing use of mobile devices, mobile optimization is crucial for financial institutions. This involves ensuring that websites, apps, and digital content are optimized for seamless viewing and interaction on smartphones and tablets.

In addition to optimizing websites, financial institutions are investing in app development to provide customers with seamless mobile experiences. Nearly 97% of millennials are now using mobile banking, meaning that companies offering mobile banking experience already have increased customer engagement.

Bank of America has access to these benefits by developing a user-friendly mobile banking app. This app offers convenient features such as mobile check deposit, bill payment, and account management, providing customers with easy access to banking services on their smartphones.

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4. Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a vital strategy for boosting a website's visibility on search engine results pages. A good SEO strategy ensures that when people search for financial solutions online, your website pops up right at the top, catching their attention effortlessly.

Local SEO takes the magic of SEO one step further, honing in on your neighborhood or city. It's like putting a spotlight on your business in your local community. In the financial world, local SEO means ensuring that when someone in your area searches for terms like "bank near me" or "financial advisor in [your city]," your business appears right at the top of the list.

76% of people who conduct a local search on their smartphone visit a physical place within 24 hours and 28% of those searches result in a purchase. By optimizing your online presence for local searches, you become the go-to choice for people looking for financial services right in their own backyard.

5. Video Marketing

The emergence of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels has revolutionized video marketing, making it more accessible and engaging for businesses. In the financial services sector, video marketing is all about using videos to simplify complicated financial topics, showcase products and services, and increase brand awareness.

In Q2 2023, Statista reported that online videos had an audience reach of 92.3% among internet users worldwide, so utilizing that potential is a no-brainer.

For example, Charles Schwab leverages video marketing to educate and empower its audience. Through its YouTube channel, Schwab produces educational videos on topics such as investing basics, retirement planning, and market insights. These videos provide valuable information in a visually engaging format, helping Schwab establish itself as a trusted source of financial guidance and expertise.

Tips for Effective Digital Marketing for Financial Services

To maximize the impact of your digital marketing efforts, consider the following tips:

  • Know your audience: Understand the demographics, preferences, and behaviors of your target audience to tailor your marketing messages effectively.
  • Focus on trust and transparency: Financial services rely heavily on trust. Ensure your marketing messages are transparent and comply with regulatory standards.
  • Utilize data analytics: Use data analytics to measure the success of your campaigns and adjust strategies accordingly. Tools like Google Analytics can provide valuable insights.
  • Leverage multiple channels: Don’t rely on a single platform. Use a mix of social media, email marketing, content marketing, and paid advertising to reach your audience.
  • Brand consistency across channels: Ensure consistency in your brand messaging, visuals, and tone across all digital channels. Consistent branding also helps differentiate your financial services company from competitors and strengthens your overall brand image in the minds of consumers.

Challenges in Financial Services Digital Marketing

While digital marketing offers numerous benefits, it also comes with its challenges:

  1. Regulatory compliance
  2. Buidling trust
  3. Content saturation
  4. Adapting to rapid technological changes

1. Regulatory Compliance

Financial services are subject to strict regulations, making compliance a top priority. Ensuring all marketing efforts adhere to industry regulations can be complex and time-consuming.

Stay updated on regulatory requirements and work closely with legal and compliance teams to develop marketing strategies that comply with regulations. Implement robust monitoring and approval processes to ensure all marketing materials meet regulatory standards.

2. Building Trust

Convincing potential customers to trust your digital platforms with their financial information can be challenging, especially in the wake of cybersecurity threats and data breaches.

Invest in robust security measures to protect customer data, such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits. Communicate transparently with customers about your security protocols and privacy policies to build trust and confidence in your digital platforms.

3. Content Saturation

The digital space is saturated with content, making it challenging for financial services companies to stand out and capture the attention of their target audience.

Use data-driven insights to identify content gaps and opportunities for differentiation. Experiment with innovative formats, such as interactive content and multimedia storytelling, to engage your audience effectively.

4. Adapting to Rapid Technological Changes

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies and platforms emerging at a rapid pace. Financial services companies must stay abreast of these changes and adapt their digital marketing strategies accordingly to remain competitive.

Stay proactive in monitoring technological advancements and industry trends. Invest in continuous learning and development for your marketing team to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to leverage emerging technologies effectively.

Wrap-Up: Digital Marketing for Financial Services

Digital marketing is a powerful tool for financial services, offering ways to reach and engage customers, build trust, and stay competitive. By understanding current trends, implementing effective strategies, and preparing for future technological advancements, financial companies can harness the full potential of digital marketing.

Digital Marketing for Financial Services FAQs

Why is digital marketing important for financial services?

Digital marketing is crucial for financial services as it helps reach a broader audience, engage customers, provide personalized experiences, and make data-driven decisions.

How can financial services companies leverage social media marketing effectively?

Financial services companies can leverage social media marketing effectively by identifying the platforms where their target audience is most active, sharing informative content, engaging with followers through comments and messages, and participating in relevant industry conversations. It's crucial to adhere to regulatory guidelines and maintain a professional yet approachable tone in social media communications.

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