How IoT in Healthcare is Revolutionizing Patient Care

Internet of Things
How IoT in Healthcare is Revolutionizing Patient Care
Last Updated: June 17, 2024

Healthcare facilities are facing a major challenge: handling huge amounts of data faster than ever before. One solution to this problem lies in integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) into healthcare systems.

With IoT and healthcare software, health organizations can streamline their processes, improve patient care, and reduce costs. Understanding IoT’s potential could be revolutionary for leaders and decision-makers in this sector.

Valued at $45.97 billion in 2023 and expected to skyrocket to over $305 billion by 2032, the IoT healthcare market is progressively transforming the industry as we know it. To learn more about it, read our blog for an in-depth look at all things IoT in healthcare.

What Is IoT in Healthcare?

IoT in healthcare is the use of internet-connected devices to gather and share data that improve patient care and make healthcare systems more efficient. Imagine wearing a smartwatch that not only tracks your steps but also monitors your heart rate and alerts you and your doctor if something’s off. That’s IoT at work, helping catch potential health issues early.

Smart devices are making a big difference in hospitals. Think of infusion pumps and ventilators that can be monitored remotely, ensuring they’re always working perfectly. This reduces the risk of equipment failure and keeps patients safe. There are also smart medication dispensers that remind patients to take their pills and let doctors know if doses are missed.

The Internet of Things in healthcare is like having a digital assistant that’s always looking out for you. Such integration helps ensure better health outcomes and smoother facility operations.

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Benefits of Internet of Things in Healthcare

These are the main benefits of IoT connectivity in healthcare:

  • Tracking health: Devices like smart watches measure vital signs such as heart rates and blood sugar levels. One can easily obtain real-time health updates from various gadgets.
  • Streamlining hospital work: Sensors keep track of where hospital equipment is located. They help manage inventory and ensure that critical tools are always ready to use.
  • Improving treatment success: Doctors use data from IoT devices to identify health trends. This information allows them to customize treatments for each patient.
  • Remote patient connectivity: Patients are now using apps on their phones to monitor their health and manage their conditions. These programs also enable easy communication with doctors wherever they are.

The above examples illustrate how connected devices in healthcare are having a huge impact on hospitals and other health facilities. With that said, let’s take a look at some real-world examples of this smart technology in action.

Internet of Things in Healthcare Examples

A growing number of brands are already investing in IoT in their healthcare systems. Many companies are making strides in using this technology to improve health outcomes and efficiency.

Below are five real-world examples of companies that are using IoT in healthcare to enhance their operations:

Abbott Laboratories

Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre system offers continuous glucose monitoring for diabetes patients. It sends glucose readings to a smartphone app, helping patients and doctors manage blood sugar levels effectively.

The system eliminates the need for routine finger pricks, which makes the process more comfortable and convenient for users. Plus, it tracks glucose trends over time that help doctors create personalized treatment plans.

Proteus Digital Health

Proteus Digital Health has created a smart pill with an ingestible sensor to help patients and doctors. When you swallow the pill, the sensor activates in your stomach and communicates with a patch you wear on your skin. This patch tracks the time when you took the pill and then monitors your heart rate and activity.

The patch sends this information to a mobile app, allowing you and your doctor to see it in real time. The data also gets sent to the cloud for further analysis, helping you to stay on track with your medication while letting a physician monitor your health remotely.

Philips Healthcare

Philips uses IoT in devices like patient monitors and imaging machines. Their HealthSuite platform collects and analyzes health data, helping doctors provide appropriate care.

It also supports remote monitoring that allows healthcare providers to check on patients even when they’re not in the hospital. This leads to quicker responses in emergencies and better overall patient management.

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Boston Scientific

Boston Scientific’s implantable cardiac devices use IoT to transmit health data. This continuous monitoring helps doctors manage heart conditions proactively and keep patients healthier.

The devices alert doctors to any irregularities as soon as they happen, while patients benefit from fewer in-person check-ups, as their health data is always available to their medical team.


Medtronic has introduced cardiac implantable electronic devices and insulin pump systems that leverage IoT. These tools give real-time data to healthcare providers so they can manage chronic conditions with accuracy.

The pumps adjust insulin delivery automatically based on glucose levels, which reduces the risk of hypoglycemia. For cardiac patients, implantable devices provide detailed heart activity data that help doctors catch issues as early as possible.

State of IoT Solutions in Healthcare Today

As of 2024, IoT solutions in healthcare are experiencing huge advancements and widespread adoption. The following are the key trends and developments to look out for:

Personalized Medicine

Personalized medicine uses AI and IoT to tailor treatments to individual needs. Wearable devices track daily activities and vital signs. AI then combines this data with medical history to suggest personalized health services.

For instance, an AI system might recommend a specific exercise routine and medication for managing diabetes based on a patient’s unique profile.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Training

Virtual reality is changing medical training and patient care. Surgeons use VR to practice complex procedures in a safe environment, boosting their skills. Patients also benefit from VR therapy.

One example is when someone struggling with chronic pain might use VR to explore virtual environments that can calm their nerves and take their mind off the pain.

Blockchain for Data Security

Blockchain technology is enhancing data security in healthcare. It creates a secure and transparent way to store patient records.

For example, a patient’s medical history stored on a blockchain can’t be altered, ensuring data integrity. This technology also helps verify the authenticity of medications to prevent counterfeit drugs from reaching patients.

AI in Administrative Tasks

The US healthcare industry is beginning to see an increase in AI use with the streamlining of administrative tasks as one example. Automated systems handle scheduling and billing that free up staff time.

For instance, AI chatbots can book appointments and send reminders to patients. Such capability allows healthcare providers to focus their time on patient care instead. AI can also improve patient communication by sending follow-up messages and tailored health tips.

IoT in Healthcare: Final Thoughts

IoT in healthcare is transforming the industry by making data management efficient and enhancing patient care while reducing costs.

Whether you’re a leader or tech person, embracing IoT’s potential can bring revolutionary changes in your organization that can streamline data collection and management for improved health outcomes.

IoT in Healthcare FAQs

How is IoT used in healthcare?

IoT is used in healthcare by connecting medical devices and systems to improve patient care. Think of a wearable monitor that sends your health data straight to your doctor. This way, physicians can identify issues early and tailor treatments just for you.

Is IoT in healthcare secure?

Yes, IoT in healthcare is secure, but only when strict security measures are in place. For example, data encryption and regular software updates can protect patient information from hackers. Using multi-factor authentication helps ensure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data.

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