IoT Monitoring: What Is It and How To Master It?

Internet of Things
IoT Monitoring: What Is It and How To Master It?
Last Updated: May 28, 2024

Managing the vast and varied data from Internet of Things (IoT) devices can be a huge problem for businesses. These tools produce data three times faster than older tech, and traditional monitoring methods simply can’t keep up.

IoT monitoring allows companies to adapt their strategies to handle this flood of information more efficiently while ensuring security issues are kept to a minimum. Whether you’re an executive or an IT professional, getting to grips with IoT monitoring is crucial to turning all that data into valuable insights.

What Is IoT Monitoring?

IoT monitoring is about keeping tabs on the huge span of connected devices we use daily. Its process involves using IoT monitoring devices to gather, process, and analyze data, enabling real-time monitoring of their performance and condition.

Today, industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and smart city operations rely on this technology for smoother, safer operations. Companies involved in agriculture and logistics also benefit hugely from IoT monitoring, as it gives them a clearer view of their operations, helping them make better decisions and cut costs.

IoT development companies are at the forefront of this technology, creating solutions that boost reliability, productivity, and security for organizations around the world.

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Benefits of IoT Device Monitoring

IoT device monitoring provides significant advantages to organizations that wish to keep their operations running smoothly. It tackles big challenges like inefficiency, downtime, and security risks by closely monitoring all connected devices.

Let’s take a closer look at the main benefits of IoT monitoring today:

Boost Operational Efficiency

An IoT monitoring system makes it easier to see how every device is performing in real time. This means less manual checking and more time fixing what really matters. For instance, health monitoring of conveyor belts in mining sites can inform managers of issues so they can fix them before they affect production.

Cut Down on Downtime

Unexpected downtime can be a significant expense for businesses. IoT monitoring offers a solution through predictive maintenance, identifying issues before they lead to shutdowns. Notably, connectivity downtime contributes to why 80% of IoT projects fail to deploy successfully. Proactively tackling these issues through IoT monitoring ensures continuous operations while preventing costly disruptions.

Strengthen Security

Keeping your network secure is crucial in a world where cyber threats are on the rise. IoT monitoring keeps an eye out for any unusual activity or potential security breaches. Quick alerts mean faster response times, keeping your data safe and your operations secure from hackers.

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Top IoT Monitoring Tools

Choosing the right IoT monitoring software is essential as businesses increasingly rely on technology to streamline operations. These tools are key for keeping tabs on device health and performance while preventing costly downtimes and security risks.

The following are the five top IoT monitoring tools today:

  1. Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard
  2. IBM Watson IoT Platform
  3. Microsoft Azure IoT Hub
  4. ThingWorx IIoT Platform
  5. Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence

Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard

The Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard simplifies how you manage your IoT devices. You can easily configure devices, secure data connections, and monitor everything from a single platform to ensure it’s working perfectly.

It also features advanced troubleshooting tools that help quickly fix any issues, keeping your system reliable.

IBM Watson IoT Platform

IBM Watson IoT Platform is a powerful tool for IoT monitoring, known for its advanced analytics and versatile integration capabilities. It excels in gathering and analyzing vast amounts of data from IoT devices to provide actionable insights.

IBM Watson IoT Platform features cognitive computing that learns and predicts from data, helping prevent potential issues before they arise. Additionally, its extensive device management allows for remote control and adjustments, making it adaptable for various business applications.

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub is a standout choice for monitoring IoT devices, as it’s designed to handle everything from small setups to vast networks. It offers two-way communication that allows data collection and the ability to send commands directly to devices.

Along with robust security features, it ensures that both your data and devices are protected against breaches. Its ability to support different messaging patterns makes it adaptable and scalable to match any project size.

ThingWorx IIoT Platform

ThingWorx IIoT Platform by PTC sets itself apart with a suite of powerful application-building tools tailored specifically for the industrial Internet of Things. Its primary feature is the ability to seamlessly integrate with existing systems, providing a quick path from data to actionable insights.

The tool offers a drag-and-drop interface for creating IoT applications, simplifying the development process and speeding up deployment times. You can also find advanced analytics capabilities for acquiring complex operational insights.

Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence

Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence is designed with automation and process engineers in industrial settings in mind. This tool turns operational data into easy-to-understand insights, helping to predict and prevent machine downtime.

Engineers can quickly spot performance issues and abnormalities through its straightforward interface. With real-time analytics, teams can make smart, timely decisions that keep everything running smoothly and efficiently.

Final Thoughts: The Significance of IoT Device Monitoring

Embracing IoT monitoring is key for businesses overwhelmed by the rapid data flow from their connected devices. This method simplifies data management and boosts security, keeping sensitive information safe.

For executives and IT professionals, becoming proficient in IoT device monitoring is essential for turning complex data into valuable insights. In today’s fast-paced tech environment, updating outdated methods is crucial, and IoT monitoring offers a powerful way to stay ahead.

IoT Monitoring FAQs

What is real-time monitoring in IoT?

Real-time monitoring in IoT means keeping an eye on data the moment connected devices create it. This instant insight allows businesses to react quickly, making informed decisions based on recent information to enhance efficiency and response times.

Why is IoT device monitoring needed?

IoT devices need to be monitored because they work in environments where issues can develop quickly. Regular checks ensure these devices run smoothly and safely, keeping data secure and operations uninterrupted.

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