How to Create a Winning Mobile App Development Strategy: 9 Things to Consider

App Development
How to Create a Winning Mobile App Development Strategy: 9 Things to Consider
Article by Maria Martin
Last Updated: November 08, 2023

The mobile app industry is booming. App usage has been accelerating steadily and shows no signs of slowing down.

By 2025, there will be roughly 7.5 billion mobile users worldwide. And by 2026, the mobile app industry’s value is predicted to be $407.31 billion.

Studies also show that smartphone users spend 88% of their time on apps.

These statistics are great news for app developers as they mean success and return on investment.

But to succeed in this field, you need people to download, use, and share your app.

This is where an excellent mobile app development strategy comes in handy.

This guide walks you through developing a mobile app strategy that will create an engaging experience for your users and ensure success for your business.

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Mobile App Development Strategy: Where to Begin

Developing a mobile app strategy requires carefully considering all the essential steps, starting with the discovery phase.

At this stage, you must identify what the app is meant to do, who will use it, and when and how they will use it. This process includes:

  • Knowing the target market for your mobile application.
  • Researching competitors and their offerings.
  • Defining the scope of the project.
  • Deciding on what features are needed for success.
  • Assessing the project timeline, budget, and overall development needs.

Deciding on Application Architecture

After conducting a thorough discovery phase, it is time to decide on the app architecture.

During this step, you will choose the language and frameworks used to develop the mobile application, and the application architecture.

There are four main development approaches when building a mobile application:

  • #1. Native: Native apps are written in the platform’s programming language and frameworks, such as Swift and Objective-C for iOS and Java for Android. This approach provides the best performance and is suitable for developing one platform at a time.
  • #2. Cross-Platform: Cross-platform apps can be written in various programming languages and frameworks. This approach is best for simpler mobile apps where the same codebase can be used across multiple platforms. However, this approach isn’t ideal for more complex apps requiring platform-specific features.
  • #3. Hybrid: Hybrid apps are built with standard web technologies, including JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5. This approach allows developers to create apps that run on iOS and Android with one codebase. However, performance can suffer as hybrid apps don’t always match the performance of native apps.
  • #4. Progressive: Progressive web apps (PWAs) are web apps that use modern browser capabilities to deliver an app-like experience. This approach allows developers to create apps that work offline and are fast to load. PWAs are also cost-effective as they don’t require the same maintenance or investment as native apps.

Testing Your Mobile App

Testing is an essential part of developing a successful mobile app strategy.

Planning and executing your testing strategy carefully can help you create a reliable and well-functioning app.

When creating a test plan for a mobile app, there are several things to consider:

First, you will need to decide which features must be tested and which can be left out of scope.

This will help you focus your testing efforts on the app's most essential parts while avoiding wasting time and resources on unnecessary tests.

The next step is to determine which testing methods you will use. Different tests have different strengths and weaknesses.

Some popular testing methods are:

  • Unit testing: Unit testing ensures that each app component works as expected.
  • Integration testing: Integration testing checks if the components work together seamlessly.
  • User acceptance testing: UAT checks if the app meets user expectations and requirements.

Finally, you should create a set of test cases that cover all the necessary scenarios.

Test cases should be detailed enough to ensure any potential issues are caught before the app is released.

A comprehensive set of test cases helps ensure that the app is working correctly and functions as expected.

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9 Things to Consider in Your Mobile Application Development Strategy

An excellent mobile application development strategy will help businesses create an app that provides a great user experience, drives user engagement, and differentiates their product or service.

When you're planning to develop a mobile app, there are many aspects you must consider— it's not just about making it aesthetically pleasing but also capable of running smoothly.

Data Safety

Security should be a top priority when creating a mobile app.

Mobile apps collect sensitive data, such as payment information, user names, passwords, addresses, and social security numbers.

All data should be encrypted and secure to protect all user information from malicious activities.

A robust platform that offers security tools such as two-factor authentication and SSL encryption will help to safeguard your users’ data.

Have a privacy policy to let your users know how you plan to use their data. Your app should also have privacy settings so users can decide which data they want to share with your app.


Once you have created your app, monetizing it is the next step. Your app development strategy should include a plan for making money from your app.

Figure out the most effective strategies to monetize your app while maintaining a good user experience.

There are many ways to earn money from your apps, such as in-app purchases, advertisements, in-app purchases, subscriptions, freemium models, and paid apps.

3. Support

Your app is a product that your customers purchase and use daily. In most cases, it's essential to provide 24/7 support to ensure your customers can get help when needed.

You can use various apps, such as Zendesk, Freshdesk, and HelpScout, to support your customers.

Have the plan to support all platforms, including email, text messages, live chat, social media, and a chatbot feature in your app.

4. User Experience

The app development strategy should include a plan to understand your audience and provide a great user experience through your app.

All businesses should understand the UX design process:

It starts with defining your business goals and objectives.

Next is the discovery phase, where you learn about your target audience, especially their needs and challenges. One of the best ways to do this is by conducting user surveys.

During the process, you also need to define the user personas, goals, and tasks the app will perform.

Learn about your competitors and how they are doing.

The concept phase is where you create the mock-up design and wireframe of the app.

App Performance

A successful app has to be fast, responsive, and reliable. Here’s what you need to do to guarantee that your app performs well:

Focus on optimizing the app for better performance and utilizing the latest technology so it can keep up with the ever-changing mobile app landscape.

Test your app on each platform to ensure it runs smoothly and has no bugs or performance issues.

Have a plan for maintaining the performance of your app over time, which covers future upgrades and maintenance.


Your mobile app should be scalable to accommodate future changes and updates.

There are many ways to make your app scalable, such as creating modular code, using a scalable architecture, and making it capable of having new features and functionality.

App Design

Your app should have a unique design that stands out from your competitors.

Create an attractive and easy-to-use interface so users can access all of your features without hassle.

The design should be consistent across all platforms. It’s best to work with an experienced design team that can create a design that matches your brand’s identity and is consistent across all platforms.

You can also use design tools, such as Adobe Creative Cloud, to create mock-ups and prototypes of your app

Cloud Technology

Cloud-based mobile app development solutions can help businesses achieve greater scalability and performance than traditional approaches.

With cloud-based development, businesses can use distributed computing resources and easily scale their applications up and down as needed.

Additionally, cloud-based technologies are more secure than on-premise solutions, as they use multiple layers of security protocols and regularly update their systems.

Traditional technology generally requires an internal IT infrastructure, while cloud-based technologies allow businesses to use hosted services instead.

Consider if you want to invest in hardware, software, and other on-premise solutions or pay a third party to provide you with hosted services.

Marketing Strategy

You can have the best product in the world, but your success will be limited if no one knows about it.

Creating an effective marketing strategy for your mobile app begins with branding. Branding is vital in any industry, especially in mobile app development.

Next, you need to think about public relations. A good PR plan will ensure that people know about your product before it launches. This can include writing press releases or creating stories around your app and its features.

Also, consider pre-launch promotions. These can include email campaigns or social media promotions to create a buzz about your mobile app.

Mobile App Development Strategy: Wrapping Up

As more and more users turn to their smartphones for entertainment, communication, and business purposes, mobile app developers are constantly looking for ways to create effective strategies to ensure their projects' success.

A well-defined mobile application development strategy encompasses various aspects of the development process, including target audience research, budgeting, competitive analysis, technology selection, design and development, and marketing.

Having a clear goal and vision for your project will help you stay focused on what's crucial: a mobile app that meets the expectations of your target users and puts their experience at paramount.

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