Danae Xantaki

Danae Xantaki

Transforming Spaces, Inspiring Lives.

Remote Company, Chalandri, 152 31, Greece

Danae Xantaki Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Line in a field to a defective machine part. It is the simplicity of design that fuels my passion for creating impactful visual experiences.

Appreciating the beauty and potential of everything around me, from a crop line in a field to a defective machine part. It is the simplicity of design that fuels my passion for creating impactful visual experiences.
Remote Company, Chalandri, 152 31, Greece

Danae Xantaki Services


  • Publishing
  • Music
  • Design

Danae Xantaki Portfolio

  • Danae Xantaki - Electra
    Package Design

Danae Xantaki Clients

  • Piggy Blinders
  • Cameroon Genetic Centre
  • CMHCoiffure