MasterBorn Software

MasterBorn Software

World class JavaScript developers and UX/UI designers ready to take your company to the next level.

1025 Belgrave Road, Austin, Texas 78737, United States

MasterBorn Software Overview

Number of Employees
50 - 99
Minimal Budget
$25,000 - $50,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
We build successful JavaScript products for innovators and disruptive startups. Our clients are exclusively U.S. based companies that value our unique Polish-American Founders and world-class Engineering & Design talent.
1025 Belgrave Road, Austin, Texas 78737, United States

Areas of Expertise

  • IT Services Expertise
  • Web Design Expertise
IT Services Expertise
IT Services Expertise
  • AWS
Web Design Expertise
Web Design Expertise
  • B2B
  • Responsive


  • Finance
  • Fintech

MasterBorn Software Portfolio

  • MasterBorn Software - Torny Trades
    Mobile App Development
    Torny Trades
  • MasterBorn Software - UWantAction
    Mobile App Development
  • MasterBorn Software - TruckMap
    Mobile App Development
  • MasterBorn Software - Torny Trades
    Logo Design
    Torny Trades
  • MasterBorn Software - Ockam
    Web Development
  • MasterBorn Software - DineSafe
    Web Development
  • MasterBorn Software - Droplr
    Software Development

MasterBorn Software Team Bios

  • Head of Product Design
    Dominik Ziarno
    Head of Product Design
    Top-notch designer and natural born leader with strong business acumen, systems mindset, and an investigative approach to problem-solving. Over the past five years, has worked on quality products and transformed ideas into first-class experiences.
  • Senior Product Designer
    Damian Fejdasz
    Senior Product Designer
    A designer with a fresh perspective for each project with a strong branding background that helps him understand and design for various business branches. Always willing to learn new things. Addicted to challenging himself with new projects and opportunities.
  • Senior Product Designer
    Joanna Momot
    Senior Product Designer
    Joanna is an experienced UI Designer who loves to make things beautiful and user-friendly. Art has always been a big part of Joannas life. Thats why she studied at the Academy of Art in Szczecin. She enjoys team work, resolving user problems, and digital painting.
  • Product Designer
    Konrad Parasiński
    Product Designer
    UX/UI designer with a versatile graphic design background and the mentality to learn new things. He has had the opportunity to work on digital products from the fin-tech, printing and e-commerce industry. Personally, is a fan of hiking around local mountains where he can recharge his batteries.
  • Senior Product Designer
    Janek Magoński
    Senior Product Designer
    Product Designer with a broad creative and design-related background that allows him to come up with innovative solutions. He started as a graphic designer, gradually moved on to digital and web so that he is now able to create digital products that are aesthetically pleasing and just work.
  • Junior Product Designer
    Stefan Stefaniszyn
    Junior Product Designer
    Designer with years of experience in communication design and various business projects. His love for user-centered design and typography results in clean and meaningful products. In his spare time he enjoys mountain biking, doing DIY projects and experimenting with music with his friends.
  • Product Designer
    Anna Kranc
    Product Designer
    Anna is a Junior UX/UI Designer, focused on functional and visual aspects of the interface. Her branding experience reflects the consistency of the look and feel of her designs. In her spare time, she enjoys reading books and doing outdoor activities.
  • Junior Product Designer
    Anastasiia Vanivska
    Junior Product Designer
    As a Designer with a background in marketing and personal brand mentoring projects, she has a passion for conducting thorough research processes to create innovative, problem-solving projects. Her analytical mindset allows her to focus on user experience and practical value in each project.
  • Junior Product Designer
    Julia HÄ…cia
    Junior Product Designer
    Curious designer, who wants to create beautiful things. Constantly learning and growing. She approaches any new project with an open mind to fall in love with the problem, not the solution. Julia enjoys creating eye-catching and user-focused designs and empathises with the users.
  • Junior Product Designer
    Ula Loika
    Junior Product Designer
    As a rookie Junior UI/UX Designer with a linguistic and educational background Ula has gone from doing design projects for private clients to working with middle-sized companies as a Freelancer. Deep digging and profound analysis of the apps functionality are definitely her things.
  • Filip MusiaÅ‚
    Junior Product Designer
    Filip Musiał
    A graduate of Graphic Studies and Visual Communication, FIlip is a Junior UX/UI Designer with a focus on problem-solving and creating compelling user interfaces for mobile/web apps and websites. His primary focus is on the design process while striving for a deeper understanding of the user's needs.

MasterBorn Software Clients

  • Droplr
  • Cosan
  • WillsReady
  • DineSafe
  • Tentacle
  • TruckMap
  • Riskalyze
  • Ockam
  • Ksana Health
  • Rapport Ninja

MasterBorn Software Awards

  • MasterBorn Software - Award 1
  • MasterBorn Software - Award 2
  • MasterBorn Software - Award 3