Top 6 Financial Advisor Website Design Examples in 2024

Web Design
Top 6 Financial Advisor Website Design Examples in 2024
Last Updated: June 18, 2024

Creating the perfect website design is key to building trust and credibility today, which is particularly true for financial advisors. Some of the key features that the best designs focus on include clear navigation and professional finance logo designs, among others.

Our blog below showcases the top financial advisor website design examples that you can use as inspiration. These model sites can be your guide — whether you plan to redesign an existing site or create a new one from scratch. Let’s dive in!

6 Best Financial Advisor Websites to Consider

Half of the internet users in the world judge a business by its website design. To make a great impression, your site needs easy navigation, attractive visuals, and clear calls to action.

Visual appeal is very important to users, with most of them leaving if they find the design unattractive. Simple, clean layouts win over cluttered and complex websites every time.

With that in mind, let’s dive into the best financial advisor websites out there, in no particular order. These examples will inspire your own project and show you how top-notch design can make all the difference.

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1. Northwestern Mutual

We chose Northwestern Mutual’s website for its minimalist yet straightforward approach. As soon as you land on the homepage, you see a sleek, professional web design that exudes trust. Their color scheme features deep blues and crisp whites that immediately convey a sense of reliability. High-quality images and neat icons enhance the visual experience without overwhelming visitors.

As you navigate the site, you’ll notice that its menu is well-organized, which makes finding information easy. The modern and clear typography, with headings and subheadings, guides your eyes smoothly down the page. You’ll also find interactive features like calculators and contact forms seamlessly woven in.

The Northwestern Mutual site perfectly blends aesthetics and functionality, making it one of the best financial advisor websites out there today.

2. Wealthspire Advisors

The website of Wealthspire Advisors grabs your attention right from the start with an inspiring yet lightweight autoplay video on the homepage. It easily captures their mission to optimize the financial lives of their clients.

The sleek, white background makes everything easy to read and highlights the most important sections. Meanwhile, its modern and well-designed icons add an elegant touch that seamlessly guides visitors through the firm’s various services.

The menus have a clear setup that categorizes Wealthspire Advisors’ services for different client segments. Furthermore, strategic visuals and concise text effectively showcase their dedication to personalized financial planning.

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3. Facet Wealth

Facet Wealth’s website design immediately catches the eye with its clean, modern aesthetic. The minimalistic color scheme of teal and white feels both professional and approachable. The homepage features a clear, inviting message and a prominent call-to-action button that encourages users to get started right away. We find this simplicity to be quite refreshing while making the site feel user-friendly.

With regards to what they cover, you’ll find a menu that separates services into categories like “Your Money,” “Your Life,” and “Your Work.” Each section provides detailed information that makes it easy for users to find exactly what they’re looking for.

Additionally, their use of icons and concise text enhances readability, while testimonials and trust badges add a layer of credibility.

4. Creative Planning

The Creative Planning website exemplifies an ideal website design for financial advisors, seamlessly blending modern aesthetics with professional functionality. The homepage immediately grabs attention with a striking hero image and compelling tagline. It has clear navigation menus that guide users to various services, insights, and contact options.

Key elements include interactive call-to-action buttons and concise service descriptions that enhance engagement. We love the muted colors and professional typography of their site. Meanwhile, client testimonials and recognitions add credibility.

The web design trends they’ve used on their website promote confidence in visitors and encourage them to take action.

5. Plancorp

Plancorp’s web design stands out for its sleek, user-friendly interface. Upon landing on their home page, you’ll be greeted with a clean layout and minimalist color scheme that exudes professionalism.

Navigating the site is straightforward as it has prominent calls-to-action, like scheduling a consultation or starting a financial analysis, conveniently placed. This thoughtful design choice makes it easy for users to engage with the firm’s services without any hassle.

You can also find client-focused resources like early retirement and estate planning guides that highlight their commitment to educating and empowering the people they work with. We believe that Plancorp is one of the top websites for financial advisors as it seamlessly balances functional simplicity with visual appeal.

6. Covenant Wealth Advisors

We chose the Covenant Wealth Advisors website because of its clean, professional design. The homepage welcomes you with a friendly image and a clear tagline that instantly tells you what the company is all about. The soft blue tones give off a calming vibe, which is perfect for a financial advisory firm.

We love the specific design elements that make the site stand out. The call-to-action buttons are prominent without being pushy, while the use of white space is just right, as it makes the content easy to read without feeling cluttered.

Hiring the right financial advisor website design company has led Covenant Wealth Advisors to become one of the top companies that encapsulate the true meaning of a sleek and professional site.

Financial Advisor Website Design Practices

Now that we’ve discussed the top financial advisor websites, you might be wondering what makes them distinct from their competitors. The following are the best practices that help them stand out:

  • Professional design and branding: A clean, professional design is a must. Think of it as your digital handshake — firm, confident, and memorable. Consistent branding, including a cohesive color palette and sharp, high-quality images, builds instant credibility and trust.
  • User-friendly navigation: Your financial advisor web design should be a breeze to navigate. Clear menus, intuitive layouts, and easy access to contact options make a world of difference. Offer multiple ways for visitors to reach out—whether it’s a phone call, email, or a simple contact form, and make scheduling consultations a seamless experience.
  • Clear value proposition: Your value proposition should shine bright. Let visitors quickly grasp what sets you apart and how you can help them achieve their financial dreams. It’s your chance to make a powerful first impression.
  • Compelling testimonials: Nothing builds trust like hearing from satisfied clients. Showcase glowing testimonials and detailed case studies to demonstrate the real-world impact of your services. It’s like letting happy clients do the talking for you.
  • Informative content: Be the go-to expert by offering valuable, informative content. Think engaging blog posts, insightful guides, and compelling videos. This not only helps visitors make informed decisions but also positions you as a knowledgeable and trustworthy advisor.

Be Inspired by Effective Financial Advisor Website Designs

For financial advisors, having a top-notch website design is crucial to earn trust and improve credibility. We’ve found that the best sites on our list followed a clean, minimalist approach with easy navigation and polished visuals.

We hope that these examples can inspire and guide your next project, whether you’re revamping your current site or building a new one.

Financial Advisor Website Design FAQs

Do financial advisors need a website?

Yes, financial advisors need a website because it builds their online presence and credibility. When potential clients search for financial advice, a website can attract them and showcase their expertise.

How do you brand a financial advisor website?

You brand a financial advisor website by creating a trustworthy and professional online presence. Share success stories and feature clean, easy-to-navigate design elements. Also, make contact information easy to find so visitors can get in touch whenever they’re ready.

Get connected with the right web design agencies for your project.
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